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Juldashbaev, J.A. Productivity of Tyva sheep with different fleece structure / J. A. Juldashbaev, M. I. Dongak, I. A. Elsukova. — с.71-79. — Электрон. текстовые дан. // Izvestia of Timiryazev - Academy: Scientific-theoretical Journal of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev. – 2012. – Вып. special issue. — Коллекция: Журнал «Известия ТСХА». — - Загл. с титул. экрана. — <URL:>.

Period Read Print Copy Open Total
Year 2017 12 0 1 0 13
Year 2018 35 0 25 0 60
Year 2019 27 0 25 0 52
Year 2020 17 0 8 0 25
Year 2021 27 0 20 0 47
Year 2022 30 0 37 0 67
Year 2023 21 0 26 0 47
Year 2024 13 0 25 0 38
Total 182 0 167 0 349