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Title: ВЛИЯНИЕ СТЕПЕНИ ШЛИФОВАНИЯ ОКОЛОПЛОДНИКА НА ПОСЕВНЫЕ КАЧЕСТВА СЕМЯН САХАРНОЙ СВЕКЛЫ = EFFECT OF PERICARP DEFUZZING ON THE SEEDING QUALITY OF SUGAR BEET SEEDS // Известия Тимирязевской сельскохозяйственной академии / Izvestiya of Timiryazev Agricultural Academy: Научно-теоретический журнал Российского государственного аграрного университета - МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева. – 2020. – Вып. 2
Creators: Бартенев И.И.; Гаврин Д.С.; Новикова А.В.
Imprint: Москва: РГАУ-МСХА имени К.А.Тимирязева, 2020
Collection: Журнал «Известия ТСХА»
Subjects: СЕЛЬСКОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО; сахарная свекла; семена; околоплодник; шлифование; посевные качества; фракционный состав; sugar beet; seeds; pericarp; debuzzing; sowing qualities; fractional composition
Document type: Article, report
File type: PDF
Language: Russian
DOI: 10.26897/0021-342X-2020-2-164-171
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Record key: RU/ЦНБ имени Н.И. Железнова/EPERIODIKA/1168/п/Б 26-950678980

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Определены оптимальные режимы шлифования семян повышающие начальную энергию прорастания семян, а также обеспечивающие наименьшее травмирование семян, выражающееся преимущественно в раскрытии крышечек околоплодника. / The pericarp of a sugar beet seed performs the main function of protecting the seed itself from mechanical damage. The pericarp thickness, as well as the seed size and weight depend mainly on the growing conditions of seed plants. Modern technologies for the pre-sowing treatment of sugar beet seeds without fail include the method of removing the external loose parenchyma of the pericarp - defuzzing. This technique is used to obtain greater uniformity of the size and mass characteristics of seeds, to give them a more rounded shape before further pelleting. In addition, previous studies have also established an improvement in sowing qualities (germination energy and laboratory germination) in debuzzed seeds due to the partial removal of germination inhibitors contained in the pericarp, which is biologically peculiar of beetroot seeds. The studies conducted to state the effect of the pericarp removal degree of sugar beet seeds on their fractional composition and sowing qualities made it possible to specify the available data. So, in particular, the optimal seed debuzzing modes have been determined (ensuring removal of up to 30% of the pericarp), which increase the initial energy of seed germination by an average of 10%, and also provide the least possible damage to seeds, expressed mainly in the opening of pericarp caps. In this case, the highest yield of commercial fractions of seeds suitable for subsequent pelleting was obtained.

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