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Imprint: Москва: РГАУ-МСХА имени К. А. Тимирязева, 2020
Collection: Журнал «Агроинженерия»
Subjects: Техника — технологии АПК; испытательный стенд; доильный аппарат; сосковая резина; порошковый антибактериальный наполнитель; физико-механические свойства; test bench; milking unit; teat cup liner; antibacterial powder fi ller; physical and mechanical properties
Document type: Article, report
File type: PDF
Language: Russian
DOI: 10.26897/2687-1149-2020-3-22-26
Additionally: All documents
Record key: RU/ЦНБ имени Н.И. Железнова/EPERIODIKA/EBVGOR-20200724-11-05-33-14578-49709

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Исследование изменений физико-механических свойств сосковой резины в зависимости от содержания в ней порошкового антибактериального наполнителя проводилось на разработанном стенде, включающем доильный стакан со сосковой резиной, задатчик уровня вакуума, вакуумметр и мультиметр. В заглушке молочной трубки сосковой резины установлен светодиод, а в заглушке её головки – фоторезистор. При увеличении вакуума во внутренней полости сосковой резины происходит сжатие её стенок и снижение светового потока, поступающего от светодиода на фоторезистор, показания которого регистрируются мультиметром. Удлинение сосковой резины определялось её натяжением грузом массой 6 кг. Исследования проведены на трёх комплектах сосковой резины ДД 00.041 А1 РБ, по четыре образца на один доильный аппарат. Первый комплект был без наполнителя, во втором и третьем содержалось соответственно 3 и 5% наполнителя на основе серебра, разработанного компанией ЭКОС. Замеры проведены после 20, 60 и 110 часов работы доильных аппаратов с исследуемой сосковой резиной. Установлено, что добавление в сосковую резину наполнителя увеличивает её жёсткость. В исходном состоянии вакуум смыкания у резины без добавки составил 24 кПа, при 3% – 26 кПа, при 5% – 30 кПа. После 110 часов работы вакуум смыкания снизился: на 6 кПа в первом и втором комплектах и на 8 кПа в третьем. В исходном состоянии удлинение чулка сосковой резины без наполнителя составило 25 мм, с 3% добавки – 22,5 мм, с 5% – 20,5 мм. После 110 часов работы удлинение возрасло: в первом комплекте на 12 мм, во втором на 11 мм, в третьем на 10,3 мм. После 110 часов работы на поверхности резины без наполнителя изменения не обнаружено, в образцах второго комплекта появились шероховатые полоски длиной 40…50 мм, в образцах третьего – сквозные трещины, длиной 20…35 мм. Лучшими характеристиками обладает резана с 3% наполнителя. / Тhe research purpose is to develop test benches and study the change in the physicomechanical properties of a teat cup liner depending on the content of antibacterial fi ller powder in it. The developed test bench includes a teat cup with a teat cup liner, a vacuum level setter, a vacuum meter and a multimeter. The milk tube plug of the teat cup liner contains a light-emitting diode, and its head plug – a photoresistor. A vacuum increase in the internal cavity of the teat cup liner caused a compression of its walls and decrease of light fl ux supplied from the light-emitting diode to the photoresistor, readings of which are recorded by the multimeter. The elongation of the teat cup liner was determined on a separate bench with a load of 6 kg. The tests were carried out for three sets of DD00.041 А1 RB teat cup lines, with four samples per a milking machine. The 1st set contained 0%, the 2nd – 3% and in the 3rd one – 5% of silver-based fi ller developed by the ECOS company. Measurements were carried out after 20, 60 and 110 hours of operation of milking machines with studied teat cup liners connected to a laboratory milking plant. It has been found that adding the fi ller to a teat cup liner increases its rigidity. In the initial state, the closing vacuum at 0% amounted to 24 kPa, at 3% – 26 kPa, at 5% – 30 kPa. After 110 hours of operation, the closing vacuum was reduced at 0% by 6 kPa, at 3% – by 6 kPa, at 5% – by 8 kPa. In the initial state, the extension of the teat cup liner sleeve at 0% was 25 mm, at 3% – 22.5 mm, at 5% – 20.5 mm. After 110 hours of operation, the elongation increased at 0% by 12 mm, at 3% – by 11mm, at 5% – by 10.3 mm. After 110 hours of operation, no changes were observer on the surface of the liner with no fi ller, in the 3% samples there appeared rough strips 40…50 mm long, while in the 5% samples there appeared through cracks 20…35 mm long. Thus the best characteristics have been found with a 3% fi ller. The research purpose is to develop test benches and study the change in the physicomechanical properties of a teat cup liner depending on the content of antibacterial fi ller powder in it. The developed test bench includes a teat cup with a teat cup liner, a vacuum level setter, a vacuum meter and a multimeter. The milk tube plug of the teat cup liner contains a light-emitting diode, and its head plug – a photoresistor. A vacuum increase in the internal cavity of the teat cup liner caused a compression of its walls and decrease of light fl ux supplied from the light-emitting diode to the photoresistor, readings of which are recorded by the multimeter. The elongation of the teat cup liner was determined on a separate bench with a load of 6 kg. The tests were carried out for three sets of DD00.041 А1 RB teat cup lines, with four samples per a milking machine. The 1st set contained 0%, the 2nd – 3% and in the 3rd one – 5% of silver-based fi ller developed by the ECOS company. Measurements were carried out after 20, 60 and 110 hours of operation of milking machines with studied teat cup liners connected to a laboratory milking plant. It has been found that adding the fi ller to a teat cup liner increases its rigidity. In the initial state, the closing vacuum at 0% amounted to 24 kPa, at 3% – 26 kPa, at 5% – 30 kPa. After 110 hours of operation, the closing vacuum was reduced at 0% by 6 kPa, at 3% – by 6 kPa, at 5% – by 8 kPa. In the initial state, the extension of the teat cup liner sleeve at 0% was 25 mm, at 3% – 22.5 mm, at 5% – 20.5 mm. After 110 hours of operation, the elongation increased at 0% by 12 mm, at 3% – by 11mm, at 5% – by 10.3 mm. After 110 hours of operation, no changes were observer on the surface of the liner with no fi ller, in the 3% samples there appeared rough strips 40…50 mm long, while in the 5% samples there appeared through cracks 20…35 mm long. Thus the best characteristics have been found with a 3% fi ller.

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